SMC Automation Co., Ltd.

2022-11-24 By DoskeeShop 1

SMC is a world-renowned manufacturer of pneumatic components. The company was founded in 1959 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. At first, SMC was a company that mainly manufactured “sintered metal industrial filter” filter elements by powder metallurgy. After decades of continuous efforts and innovation, SMC’s product categories have gradually enriched, and relying on excellent quality has won countless users. trust. Today, SMC has developed into a global leader in the pneumatic industry. The name “SMC” (Sintered Metal Company, meaning “Sintered Metal Company”) established in the early days of the company has been used to this day because of its high reputation in the world for many years, and has become a global leader. Uniform company name. Since its inception, SMC has been a leader in pneumatic technology, providing automation-enabled technologies and products to industries based on the guiding principle of “contributing to labor-saving industrial automation.” Over the past 50 years, SMC’s products have become a recognized international brand through sales, technology, supply and after-sales service in the world market. Sales grow to 30% of global market share.

Subsidiaries and joint ventures have been established in 53 countries. Production facilities are located in 30 countries. In addition, the sales network spans 83 countries with local service at 500 locations. SMC provides technologies accumulated over many years, engineers who apply them to new products, production capabilities that can deliver various products in a short period of time, and an extensive sales network throughout the United States and around the world. Aiming at realizing more advanced automation, and building on its many achievements, SMC is developing high-quality, highly reliable products that contribute to industrial automation as well as fields familiar in everyday life. SMC is committed to providing our employees with first-class business solutions through superior products and first-class customer service, creating an environment for our employees where each individual is valued, challenged to realize his or her full potential, and set for growth Contribute to the company, the community and themselves.

SMC主要产品 SMC的产品现已拥有多达12000种基础元件和700000种规格,广泛应用于各个领域的自动化生产。SMC Automation Co., Ltd.-SMC Corporation SMC Automation Co., Ltd.-SMC Corporation 其他延伸产品 SMC Automation Co., Ltd.-SMC Corporation SMC产品在各行各业大显身手 SMC的“气控技术”正被广泛应用应用于汽车、半导体、电子、机床、食品、包装、印刷、医疗、医药、纺织等基础工业领域。通过气动技术与前沿技术的融合,即使在新一代信息技术、机器人、航空航天、新能源、智能制造等最前沿的行业,气动技术具有无限的发展可能性。在半导体工程、液晶制造、生物医药、医疗器械等高科技领域,SMC的产品大显身手,气动技术不断拓展新的应用领域。

SMC Automation Co., Ltd.-SMC 公司名称 SMC Corporation 成立于 1959 年 4 月 27 日(昭和 34 年)代表 SMC 上市证券交易所东京证券交易所主要市场销售额 7,273 亿日元(合并)* 在职员工人数 21,620(合并) * 资本金 610 亿日元资本充足率 87.9% * 评级 AA [R&I (Ratings and Investment Information Inc.)] * 总部 4-14-1 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0021 Akihabara UDX 15 楼 Tel. 03-5207-8271(总机) Fax 03-5298-5361 国内销售据点 东京、名古屋、大阪、福冈等主要城市54个据点 国内生产据点 创价、筑波、下妻、釜石、远野、山西六区研发基地美国、欧洲、中国、筑波未来市、


SMC全球技术中心 SMC Automation Co., Ltd.-SMC Corporation JTC(日本筑波技术中心) 日本筑波技术中心扩建为双塔大楼,汇集了SMC在世界各地的技术成果。研发部门约1100名技术工程师从事产品研发,以满足全球客户的需求。SMC Automation Co., Ltd.-SMC Corporation UTC(美国技术中心) 为了满足北美客户的项目需求,SMC在北美设立了UTC(美国技术中心)。约 140 名技术工程师响应客户需求。SMC Automation Co., Ltd.-SMC Corporation ETC (European Technology Center)欧洲技术中心在英国米尔顿凯恩斯工厂成立。来自欧洲各分公司约60名经验丰富的技术工程师汇聚于此,集中开展欧洲各国的技术咨询,及时与客户沟通,获取更准确的信息,提高客户满意度。SMC Automation Co., Ltd.-SMC Corporation GTC (German Technology Center) 位于欧洲工业中心,德国技术中心汇集了约80名经验丰富的产品研发工程师和技术人员,快速响应客户需求并提供技术支持。